Nov 21, 2011

When you launch EC2 Linux instance, it provides you a key pair for that particular instance. This key pair is standard private key format with .pem file extension. If you are using Windows machine to login to EC2 instance using PuTTY, you will face issue because PuTTY does not support pem format. How to SSH to AWS EC2 Instance from PuTTY using PEM Key Pair 5. Use the PPK File in PuTTY. Now, that we have the thegeekstuff.pem AWS PEM file converted to thegeekstuff.ppk PuTTY key file, we can use this to login to our AWS EC2 instance. For this, launch the putty, and do the following: First, in the “Host Name (or IP address)” field, enter the public-dns or ip of your AWS EC2 instance. Amazon® EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers. Amazon EC2’s simple web service interface allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction.

How To Connect An Amazon EC2 Ubuntu, Linux Instances Using

Jul 08, 2019 · I am a newbie to Amazon web services, was trying to launch an Amazon instance and ssh to it using putty from windows. These are the steps I followed, Created a key pair. Created a security group with the rule for SSH and HTTP. Launched an instance of EC2 using the above key pair and security group. Using puttygen converted the *.pem file to *.ppk I am trying to connect to my ubuntu ec2 instance from windows client using putty and nomachine nxserver. Everything was working fine until yesterday. The last software that I installed on this instance was Apache.

Nov 27, 2019 · Create AMI and Launch Amazon EC2 Instance from AMI in AWS (Amazon Web Services) In this article,we will see Create AMI and Launch Amazon EC2 Instance from AMI. Implementation Steps. Launch Instance. Connect to Linux Server through putty and Install updates,package “tree” and create files,directories. Create AMI (Amazon Machine Image).

Nov 28, 2013 SSH from Windows (PuTTY and friends) – A Cloud Guru Jul 02, 2020 How to Create and SSH Connect to AWS EC2 Instance Jun 16, 2020 Download PuTTY: latest release (0.74)